Tuesday, July 31 - msnbc - Rachel Maddow show - NBCNews.com:
Read the transcript to the Tuesday show
Then last year, improvements to Medicare. So seniors would start
getting free preventive health care through Medicare and last year,
insurance companies for the first time were required to spend 80 percent to
85 percent of your money, the money that you pay them in premiums on your
health care instead of on marketing or CEO bonuses or whatever. If they
don`t spend 80 percent to 85 percent of what you pay them in premiums on
health care, they have to refund you. They have to pay you back.
That part of the health reform law took effect last year, which means
right now, this year, millions of people in businesses are starting to get
checks in the mail from their health insurance companies because the
insurance company did not in fact spend enough of their money on their
health care. So people are getting a refund. Insurance companies are
paying out over a billion dollars in refund checks this year because they
didn`t spend enough of what you paid them in premiums on actual health