"The Green Hornet," Reviewed - Movies - News - IFC.com:
"In Rogen and Goldberg's conception, Britt and Kato are less superheroes than well-armed anarchist pranksters, the dudes from 'Jackass' with gas guns and a missile launching car.
Britt and Kato like to claim they're 'helping people' but we never see them help anyone after that first night. Instead, they tool around Los Angeles in their Black Beauty limousine, blowing up traffic cameras and beating up drug dealers for kicks."
Film Review: WOLF MAN (2025): Lackluster Creature Feature Picks Up a Little
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[image: Film Review: WOLF MAN (2025): Lackluster Creature Feature Picks Up
a Little Steam Towards the End]
Wolf Man Review — *Wolf Man (2025) Film Review...
1 hour ago