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Top Ten Movies 2012 by Grace Randolph : Beyond The Trailer - YouTube

Top Ten Movies 2012 by Grace Randolph : Beyond The Trailer - YouTube: ""

EVIL DEAD - Full Redband Trailer - In Theaters April 12th - YouTube

EVIL DEAD - Full Redband Trailer - In Theaters April 12th - YouTube: "


Jimmy Stewart - It's a Wonderful Life [HD] Complete Original/Unedited Classic! - YouTube

Iconic screen shot from the movie It's a Wonde...
Iconic screen shot from the movie It's a Wonderful Life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Jimmy Stewart - It's a Wonderful Life [HD] Complete Original/Unedited Classic! - YouTube: ""

why does Capra always do this. i've lost count of the times i've viewed this film since i was born over half a century ago. and i always cry. i don't get it. its a sappy, unbelievable and predictable yarn. but there it is, i cry each and every time. heck i dunno. but , its a wonderful picture, and Donna Reed,
well . . . she's as George would say, a real peach!

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