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'Avengers 2': Andy Serkis Helped Create Ultron And A Better Hulk

'Avengers 2': Andy Serkis Helped Create Ultron And A Better Hulk:

""We did some work on Ultron. On the development of Ultron before James Spader came on board. In terms of movement styles: was he gonna be human-like? Was he going to be robot-like? So we worked with a bunch of different people, from body-popping experts to dancers, to this guy called Neil who's nearly eight feet tall.""


Alfred's a badass, Selena is quite the crafty little number, and all the kiddies that called Gotham a run of the mill procedural got the action they hankered for. 

for all the online complaining that this finale is Gotham High School with Li'l Catwoman and Li'l Batman, it 1s surprising that the same folk go goo-goo gah-gah over Arrow 90210.

by comparison Gotham does not suffer from the "I feel pretty" syndrome. Gotham must necessarily, via premise, focus on the development of the dark city and its denizens. this means prepubescent Wayne, for good or ill.

speaking of puberty and its subsequent mating rituals, Pennyworth is quite the player, and Mooney has just wet her knickers. more fun to follow, surely. 

romance aside, Cat is a good influence on Bruce. surely boxing and gymnastics will serve Batman well, but it is his understanding of the Gotham underbelly that will turn out to be his strongest attribute.

Bruce Wayne the World's Greatest Detective has begun his education exploring in the hidden school. i am not feeling Ivy, yet she is sown, to be harvested later. {the show does feel a bit crowded at times}

what i find frustrating about this show, and especially about the finale, is that with such talent, the play alternates between its usual sold to the american audience verbiage to this jolting tripe that passes for dialogue. these ARE good actors, and when it doesn't cater to expediency the dialogue tends to be good, better than most and almost as good as the dialogue in the Flash show. the finale's words wavered.

in keeping with its rush to be everything to comics fans and non-fans alike the finale threw everything AND the kitchen sink at the screen. still if you like the show, as i do, accomodations must be made for the season-long set-up. i keep fingers crossed and hope for a bit more dramatic pacing come next episodes.