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Interviews - Mark Klein | Spying On The Home Front | FRONTLINE | PBS

Cray X-MP/24 (serial no. 115) used by NSA
Cray X-MP/24 (serial no. 115) used by NSA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Interviews - Mark Klein | Spying On The Home Front | FRONTLINE | PBS:

 "Klein worked for more than 20 years as a technician at AT&T. Here he tells the story of how he inadvertently discovered that the whole flow of Internet traffic in several AT&T operations centers was being regularly diverted to the National Security Agency (NSA). Klein is a witness in a lawsuit filed against AT&T by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which alleges AT&T illegally gave the NSA access to its networks. This is the edited transcript of an interview conducted on Jan. 9, 2007."

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